Wood Carriage House Doors are available in a variety of designs. They can be made from authentic wood or created from composite materials.
Stain Grade Wood Doors can be produced from numerous sorts of wood;
Spanish Cedar, Western Red Cedar, African Mahogany, Black Walnut, Cherry, Alder, Sapele, Teak and other distinctive woods.
Paint Grain Wood Doors are regularly built from composite materials.
It is certain that there is nothing more delightful than true wood; however when you desire a paint grade door composites are incomparable.
Positives of composite materials include:
• Contains no knots or voids
• Prevent checking, splitting and cracking
• Built with resins to prevent moisture, rot and termites.
• Contains smooth density and thickness throughout the entire door
• Minimizing of thickness swell.
• Environmentally beneficial
• No formaldehyde issues